Lots of happenings in October as we recently kicked off Sunday Brunch and it is gaining steam with lunch every day on the horizon!
Don’t forget to save this date: Sunday, October 24!!
Our good friend and brand ambassador, Gail Conde, will be teaming with our culinary experts to host an amazing Codigo Dinner and Tasting!!
If you’ve not tried Codigo you are truly missing out. It is the best tequila I have ever tasted! I kid you not!! So good!! And our food? Forget about it!!
Benjamin Boice will be in town as well this month to host a Dalmore Single Malt Scotch tasting on October 16. Call Warren for times and details on this event. I’ve co-hosted events with Ben in the past and he is truly great! You won’t want to miss this one!
More exciting barrel pick and flight info next week so be sure to check this blog every Monday night!!